Meet the

IntelCentre Group

Dr. Mariana
Head of the laboratory
Senior Researcher I
+40 332 880 050 – 400
Group 1.1 Nano- and micro-structured entities for specific biomedical applications
Field of Research
Development of nanometric, versatile and biomimetic components. Multi-functional nanosystems will be obtained, which can be directed to a target, capable of transporting several active principles and / or whose action, generating therapeutic effects, can be modulated through various external stimuli

Dr. Mariana
Group 1.1 team-leader
Senior Researcher I
+40 332 880 050 – 400
Group 1.2: Micro and nanostructured supramolecular systems: design, synthesis and applications
Field of Research
Development of supramolecular assembling strategies for nano and microstructured systems using functional organic units, macromolecules, biomolecules and their derivatives

Dr. Alexandru
Group 1.2 team-leader
Scientific Researcher II
+40 332 880 050 – 215
Group 1.3 Electrochemical sensors: from electroactive nanostructured materials to specific applications for health and the environment
Field of Research
Integration of nanostructured materials and electronic transducers in sensitive and specific electrochemical sensors for analyzes of interest. Design and development of inorganic nanostructured redox systems to function as drug transport agents, with catalytic activity and measurable signal specific to sensors or capable of generating or inactivating various reactive species

Dr. Adina
Group 1.3 team-leader
Scientific Researcher III
+40 332 880 050 – 555
Group 1.4 (Bio) polymeric materials and multifunctional nanostructured architectures for specific applications
Field of research
Obtaining (bio) polymeric materials from renewable resources for ecological, sustainable and innovative coatings, designed to protect different surfaces against the action of environmental factors, synthesis of nanostructured hybrid materials including metal micro- and nanoparticles and metal oxides, for special applications and the study of degradative processes through physico-chemical processes and biological degradation processes.

Dr. Cristian-Dragos
Scientific Researcher III
+40 332 880 050 – 358