During the last implementation period of the SupraChem Lab two important trainings including team building events have been organised (02.05.2018 - 05.05.2018 and 25 - 27.09.2019) within ICMPP for the SupraChem Lab Team. Except for these two major events seven (7) other trainings on targeted topics have been set up in order to develop the knowhow and experience of the group.
The 5th SupraChem Lab training event
02.05.2018 - 05.05.2018
Following the tradition, the fifth training event organised during the third reporting period was organised between 02.05.2018 - 05.05.2018 in the library of ICMPP. As suggested during the review meeting by Dr Argiris Laskarakis, the training was also a workshop were the members of the SupraChem lab to meet with several research personalities to learn but also to share and discuss with them the SupraChem Lab research results.
The May 2018 trainers were:
Prof. Christoph Janiak Düsseldorf University, Germania: Full Professor at the Institute of Inorganic and Structural Chemistry, University of Düsseldorf, Germany. His main research interests are porous coordination polymers/metal-organic frameworks, metal nanoparticles also in ionic liquids, catalysis and supramolecular structural chemistry. In his MOF research he is currently focusing on (i) MOFs and related porous materials for carbon dioxide sorption and separation, thereby also incorporating MOFs in mixed-matrix membranes, (ii) MOF for water sorption in the realm for heat transformation and heat storage applications. He has authored and co-authored over 310 publications (including reviews, book chapters and patents as well as several editions of different text books on Inorganic Chemistry for Bachelor and Master students). His h-index is 57. Dr Janiak received the Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz award (1991), the ADUC award for habilitands (1996), Heisenberg fellowship award (1997), and was a visiting professor at the University of Angers, France. Dr. Janiak is serving or has served on the Editorial and Advisory Boards of Crystal Engineering Communications (CrystEngComm, RSC, 2006-2011), Inorganica Chimica Acta (Elsevier, 2013-2016), ChemistryOpen (Wiley, from 2012) and Zeitschrift für Anorganische Allgemeine Chemie (Wiley, since 2009).
Prof. Luisa De Cola Louis Pasteur Strasbourg University, France: she is since September 2013 Professor Exceptionnelle at the University of Strasbourg (ISIS) as chair of Supramolecular and Bio-Material Chemistry, and part time scientist at the INT-KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany. Since 2016 she is also Professor of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), and since 2019 Honorary Professor at Tianjin University, China. She was born in Messina, Italy, where she studied chemistry. After a post-doc in USA she was appointed Assistant Professor at the University of Bologna (1990). In 1998 she was appointed Full Professor at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In 2004 she moved to the University of Muenster, Germany. She is recipients of several awards, the most recent being the ERC advanced grant 2010, IUPAC award as one of the Distinguished Women in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (2011). She was elected as member of the Academia Europeae in 2012 and in 2014 member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. In 2014 she has been Nominated “Chevalier de la Légion d' Honneur” by the President of the French Republic, François Hollande. In 2015 she received the International Prize for Chemistry “L. Tartufari” from Accademia dei Lincei and the Catalan -Sabatier prize from the Spanish Royal Academy of Science. In 2016 she was elected member of the Akademie der Wissenschaften un der Literatur of Mainz. In 2019 she has received the Izatt–Christensen Award in Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry, elected member of the Istituto Lombardo, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere and she is one of the 39 selected chemists, from all times, at the Science Museum of Valencia (Ciutat de les Arts y de les Ciencies), Spain.
Dr. Simon Webb, Manchester University, UK: graduated at the University of Auckland, and was awarded a Special Prince of Wales Cambridge Bursary to undertake PhD studies at University of Cambridge. Following postdoctoral periods in Nijmegen and Sheffield, he moved to Manchester (2002) where he is currently Reader in Chemistry and Director of Research. His research interests aim to develop new technologies at the chemistry/biology interface, which will allow the creation of advanced functionalized biomaterials that are able both to heal and to diagnose. The designee of new cheaper biomedical materials with improved performance, but robust chemical and biotechnological processes for biomaterial functionalization are needed to create these materials. High-throughput methods are proposed for the modification of nanostructured biomaterials that will allow manufacturers to create tailored high-quality products for different markets, methods that are able to respond quickly to the needs of customers (for example, patients).
The 5th SupraChem Lab training event Agenda
The 6th SupraChem Lab Project Training ''Biomaterials for Therapeutic Purposes''
25 - 27.09.2019
The 6th SupraChem Lab training have brought in the group the expertise of two prestigious scientists: Dr. Sinda Lepetre-Mouelhi - Associate Professor at Institut Galien (Paris-Sud University) France: she works in the team of Prof. Patrick Couvreur. She obtained a Master Degree in "Heterochemistry, Catalysis and Polymers" in 1997 at the Faculty of Sciences of Montpellier 2 (France), and completed her PhD in Organic Chemistry in 2002 under the supervision of Prof. M. Bellassoued at the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France). During her thesis she developped a new direct access route to (E)-a,?-ethylenic acids via a trisilylated building block. After her thesis, she was recruited by the UN for a mission in Kosovo as International Trainer for 18 months. In 2003, she started her first post-doctoral internship in Medicinal Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Châtenay-Malabry (BioCIS-UMR 8076) with Prof. S. Sicsic. Then, in 2004, she worked during a few months at Sanofi-Aventis in Chilly-Mazarin in the medicinal chemistry field. In 2005 she joined the group of Prof. Patrick Couvreur as a post-doctoral researcher in Therapeutic Chemistry and Formulation at Institut Galien and got an Associate Professor position. She currently (co-)directs 3 teaching units: UE120, UE294, UE19. Her current research activity lies in the synthesis of squalene-based bioconjugates and their formulation into nanoparticles. The main fields of application include cancer, HIV, and more recently, cerebral and hepatic ischemia, as well as pain. She is co-author of 35 peer review articles in international journals and one book chapter.
Prof. Ullrich Scherf director of the Institute for Polymer Technology at the Bergische Universität: he graduated in chemistry in 1983 from the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena.

He then completed his doctorate in polymer chemistry (including macromolecular chemistry) in 1988. In the meantime, he was on a research stay at the Tbilisi State University in 1987. He then worked until 1989 as a research assistant at the Institute for Animal Physiology of the Saxon Academy of Sciences under Heinz Penzlin . From 1990 to 1992 he was a fellow of the Association of the Chemical Industry at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Researchin Mainz under Klaus Müllen . He was then head of the institute until 2000. In 1996 Scherf habilitated at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in organic chemistry. In 2000 he became a professor of polymer chemistry at the University of Potsdam. In 2002 he accepted a professorship for macromolecular chemistry at the University of Wuppertal. In 2006 Scherf organized a summer school at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore.
In 2010 he became managing director of the Institute for Polymer Technology at the Bergische Universität. Since 1999 he has also received four additional calls, which he did not accept. In 2011, Scherf was ranked 26th in the global Top 100 Material Scientists ranking by Thomson Reuters. In 2012, a project by Scherfs on research on the stability of organic solar cells, which he carried out in cooperation with the universities of Tübingen, Würzburg and Munich, was named Project of the Month by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
The 6th SupraChem Lab training and team building event due to it special significance (last official training organised within the SuprChem Lab project) was organise in a different manner than the previous one. The first day was dedicated to the presentation of the SupraChem Lab team and of the facility of InteCentru (the host of the SupraChem Lab team). Fruitful discussions with the trainers have already started from this stage.
During the afternoon all the SupraChem Lab group together with the trainers have moved to a specialised hosting facility for team building events were the second two days of training and teambuilding took place. The idea of this modified program was to isolate the group from their daily home duties and put them together for two days to increase interaction with the group and with the trainers. Thus, the teambuilding event was a wonderful opportunity to learn mor about each others not only a about science – see left side PhD student Radu Zonda singing for all the team.
The 6th SupraChem Lab Project Training Agenda
Intensive course of cell biology, histology and cell pathology
Prof. Dr. Anca Hermenean, Vice-Rector of “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Romania
11.05.2018 - 13.05.2018
Prof. Hermenean is a prestigious researcher in histology and cell pathology that have some prestigious publications in the field as well as a strong experience in projects (including COST TD0901 “Hypoxia sensing, signalling and adaptation”) and patenting (Patent European: “Pharmaceutical composition useful for preventing and treating liver disease, comprises oil isolated from Silybum marianum seed”, Patent Number: WO2013124700-A2; HU201300110-A1).
The training was organised in the conference room at IntelCentre and the all the SupraChem Lab Team have participated as well as several colleagues from ICMPP interested in the topic. The training was structured according to the university programme and followed the organisation of a traditional university 4 hours class/day. The detailed training agenda is presented below:
Monday, 11.06.2018 (9.30 - 13.30) Cell biology and histology, I
Cell – the basic unit of life; Internal organization of the cell; Cell cycle; Cell signalling
Tuesday, 12.06.2018 (9.30 - 13.30) Cell biology and histology II
The tissue level of organization: Epithelial tissues; Connective tissues; Cartilaginous
tissues; Bone tissues; Muscular tissues; Blood; Nervous tissue
Wednesday, 13.06.2018 (9.30 - 13.30) Cell pathology
Cell adaptation vs. Cell death; Inflammation; Repair, regeneration and fibrosis
Ethical issues
Training event in Applications of Mass Spectrometry in Protein Characterization 19.06.2018
Dr. Costel C. Darie Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry & Biomolecular Science Clarkson University, 2015;
Associate Scientist, Department of Oncology Mount Sinai School of Medicine, 2008; Assistant Research Scientist Skirball Institute, New York University School of Medicine, 2006; Postdoctoral Associate, Brookdale Department of Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology Mount Sinai School of Medicine, 2003; Biochemistry Ph.D. - 2002
University of Freiburg, Germany.

Prof. Darie currently focusing on proteomics investigation of various bodily fluids (sera, saliva, breast milk) for identification of biomarker signatures which are indicative of disease and/or disorder detection, or progression. In one of our projects, we focus on biomarker discovery for early detection of autism spectrum disorder and neurodevelopmental disorders (i.e. Fragile X syndrome, Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome). In a different project, we focus on studying depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. We also focus on early detection of the onset of breast cancer. We also use preoteomics for identification and characterization of protein post-translational modifications and of protein-protein interactions, as well as for deciphering signal transduction pathways using a combination of mass spectrometry and proteomics. In one such project, we focus on Tumor Differentiation Factor (TDF) and Jumping Translocation Breakpoint (JTB), two proteins with ubiquitous (JTB) or specific (TDF) distribution within particular cells within the body.
Training Events in the framework of the H2020 projects:
H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 TROPSENSE (ref. 645758);
H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 bTB-Test (ref. 777832);
H2020-WIDESPREAD 2-2014 SupraChem Lab (ref. 667387)
23 - 24.07.2018
A training event dedicated to high performance instruments for the identification of medical threats in different disease was organized with the support of three European Projects H2020 projects H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 TROPSENSE (ref. 645758); H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 bTB-Test (ref. 777832) coordinate by Dr. Radu Ionescu and H2020-WIDESPREAD 2-2014 SupraChem Lab (ref. 667387). The trainers were team members of the two RISE project with prestigious experience in addressing complex mechanism for the vention or tritmant of specia deses:
- Prof. Cristhian Duran, Department of Electrical, Electronics, and Telecommunications Systems Universidad de Pamplona, Colombia: Cristhian Durán received his B.S. in Electronic Engineering from the Pamplona University (Colombia) in 2000, and he got the certificate of advanced studies and Ph.D. from the Universitat Rovira I Virgili (Spain) in 2003 and 2005. He is a full professor, researcher and coordinator of the Pattern Recognition Research Group at the Pamplona University. He has experience in industrial automation and has a high knowledge in data acquisition techniques, embedded systems, pattern recognition methods and artificial intelligence. Cristhian has worked in different projects related with multisensory perception, specifically about development of electronic nose and electronic tongue systems applied in industry and health sector. He has been coordinator of two Colciencias projects (e.g.,Gastric Cancer)
- Prof. Boris Mizaikoff is a professor of analytical and bioanalytical chemistry and director at the University of Ulm, Germany; he conducts research in systems analytics and systems biology. Prior to his transfer to the University of Ulm he obtained his degree in chemical engineering from TU Wien, where he also did his Ph.D. and habilitation. After its completion, Mizaikoff went to Austin, Texas where he worked as a researcher. After spending time there, studying chemical sensors which moved him tiny bit away from the analytical chemistry, he decided to move to the Georgia Institute of Technology.
- Prof. Nicolo Landini (University of Ferrara) Bachelor in Physics and Astrophisics at the University of Ferrara in 2011. He got his Master’s Degree in Physics under the supervision of Dr. Cesare Malagù in 2014, working with chemoresistive gas sensors with biomedical applications. He started his PhD in Physics on the same fields of research in 2015.
- etc. Mr. Erhan Tütüncü (UULM), Mr. Vjekoslav Kokoric (UULM), Mrs. Youssra Aghoutane (UMI), Dr. Yasmine Benali (IPA), Dr. Dumitru Ulieru (SITEX), Dr. Hanen Smadhi (IPT), Dr. Radu Ionescu (UU)
Detailed Agenda
Training on Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors As Emerging Agents For The Treatment And Imaging Of Hypoxic Tumors
29 – 30.05.2019
Prof. Claudiu Supuran, Unversity of Florence and member of the SupraChem Lab IAB has presented a two days traning on Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors As Emerging Agents For The Treatment And Imaging Of Hypoxic Tumors. Prof. Claudiu T. Supuran is professor of medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry at the University of Florence, Italy, since 1995. He did his Ph D at University of Bucharest, Romania, and was a visiting scholar at University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, and at Grifitth University, Brisbane, Australia. He was visiting professor at University of La Plata, Argentina and at University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. His main research interest is the medicinal chemistry/biochemistry of carbonic anhydrases, field in which he has made contributions to the design of many novel classes of enzyme inhibitors and activators, deciphering their mechanism of action at molecular level, discovery of new isoforms and their role in disease (cancer, obesity, epilepsy, neuropathic pain and cognition), discovery and characterization of carbonic anhydrases from various organisms (bacteria, fungi, corals, vertebrates other than humans and rodents, etc). Other research interests include X-ray crystallography of metallo-enzymes, heterocyclic chemistry, chemistry of sulfonamides, metal-based drugs, cyclooxygenases, serine proteases, matrix metalloproteinases, bacterial proteases, and amino acid derivatives among others. He has published more than 1500 papers in these fields and his Hirsch index is 134. One of the compounds discovered in his laboratory (SLC-0111) is in Phase II clinical trials for the treatment of advanced metastatic solid tumors
Training on 2,3-exo-Diheterotactic Dicyclopentadiene Oligomers: An X-ray Powder Diffraction Study of a Challenging Multiphase Case
Dr. Porzio William, C.N.R. – Istituto Per Lo Studio Delle Macromolecole (ISMAC), Responsible for the Morphology and Structure Laboratory, Milano, Italy: Scientific Activity: Structural, thermal and morphological characterizations of polymeric material, degree of crystallinity and orientation, crystallite dimension and perfections, Physico-chemical properties of polymers, Structural determination of monomer, oligomer and polymer macromolecules as crystals, powders, fibers and films of controlled thickness from monolayer to microns, Use of variable temperature XRD apparatus to investigate structural evolution, i.e. phase transition, polymorphism, melting or freezing, Preparation of thin films by casting, spin- or deep-coating, high-vacuum evaporation (OMBD technique), film patterning for optoelectronic device preparation.
Dr. Porzio William presented a conference on diheterotactic dicyclopentadiene oligomers and their XX-ray diffraction specificity.
Training event in Computational Chemistry
Prof. Dr Aatto Laaksonen Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Division of Physical Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden: Research interests in general: Bio & Materials modeling/simulation across long time/length scales; Method development: first-principles, atomistic simulations and coarse-grained modeling. Research interests in DNA: structure, dynamics, hydration, manipulation, damage and repair.Computer simulations of DNA (MD & MC) since 1983.
- Prof. Aggr. Dr Francesca Mocci, Dipartimento di scienze Chimiche e Geologiche, Universita' di Cagliari, Italy: The scientific activity of Dr. Mocci is mainly directed to the study of conformational preferences of organic and bio-organic molecules and of their interactions with other molecules and ions; these researches are carried out by means of modeling techniques often combined with NMR techniques. The employed computational techniques are based either on quantum or classical mechanics, and recently she became involved in the development of coarse grained models. Part of these studies involve collaborations either with national or international groups.
- PhD student Philip Gillespie: is a third year PhD student in the Ladame and O’Hare groups, funded by the BBSRC. He completed his MPharm at the University of East Anglia in 2015, and has been a registered pharmacist since 2016. His research focuses on electrochemical detection of microRNAs and using computational, molecular dynamics to influence biosensor design.
Training Program:
9.30 -11.30 Lecture of Aatto Laaksonen and Francesca Mocci: Meso-scale simulations
11:15 - 12.30 Lecture of Philip Gillespie (Imperial College London): Designing and Engineering of Sequence-Specific microRNA Electrochemical Biosensors for Cancer Diagnostics
Training on the etiopathogenic mechanism, detection, diagnosis and the therapeutic approach of different forms of epidermolysis bullosa
25 – 28.11.2019
Prof Cristina Has UNIVERSITÄTSKLINIKUM FREIBURG, Klinik für Dermatologie Molekulare Dermatologie, Germany, was invited in the framework of Romanian Mobility Grant and on 25.11 – 01.12.2019 the SupraChem Lab Management Team have organised a joint action together with collaborators from the "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iaşi, Romania , “Gr T Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy and ”St. Mary” Pediatric Emergency Hospital Iasi Romania, in the conference room of P. Poni, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry.
The program of the meeting in ICMPP was:
- Workshop (25.11.2019) on the etiopathogenic mechanism, detection,diagnosis and the therapeutic approach of different forms of epidermolysis bullosa. The workshop included a general part and a directly applicative part on dermatology research methods.
- Practical Workshop (26.11.2019) – presentation of difficult clinical cases and molecular genetics diagnosis (in collaboration with the University of Freiburg, under the coordination of Prof. Cristina Has and of the Department of Medical Genetics, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa”, Iasi).
- Round table meetings (27 – 28.11.2019) at Centre of Advanced Research in Bionanoconjugates and Biopolymers, “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iași with the participants: the SupraChem Lab Team, researchers, PhD students, teachers, students from UMF Iași; resident physicians, pediatricians, dermatologists, geneticists, neonatologists and other specialties who work in the field of Pediatric Dermatology or have patients with epidermolysis bullosa. The two round tables have been also a perfect opportunity to network with specialist from different institutions and with different expertise.