SupraChem Lab ERA CHAIR: Marc J.M. Abadie – Emeritus Professor
• Doctor honoris causa from "Gh. Asachi" Technical University in Iasi - Romania
• Professor Emeritus from University of Montpellier
• Member of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences
• Honorary Member of the Ukraine Academy of Sciences
• Honorary Fellowship of the Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials
A Macromolecular chemist from Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg (F), Professor Abadie
recieved his BSc (1960), MSc (1961) and PhD 1963 (3rd cycle) and later his Doctorat es Physical
Science on "Oxidative Degradation of PS by gamma Ray" in 1972 at the "Centre de Recherche sur
les Macromolécules" CRM in Strasbourg (F) - Institut Charles Sadron, Pr Henri Benoit as adviser
Professional Expertise
He was/is successively :
o Engineer R & D @ SNPA/Total (1963 - 1967)
o Research Fellow @ CNRS/CRM (1967 - 1972)
o Associate Professor @ U. Montpellier (1972 - 1975)
o Senior Scientist Officer @ "Propellants, Explosives and Rocket Motor Establishment" PERME/UK
Ministry of Defence in Waltham Abbey - UK (1975 - 1976)
o Professor @ U. Algiers and Director of Laboratory of Polymer Science (1976 - 1980)
o Professor @ U. Montpellier (1980 - 1982 and 1987-2007)
o IBM'er in Endicott NY, USA (1982 - 1986)
o “Michael Fam Fellow”, Visiting Professor @ NTU, Singapore (since 2005)
o Vsiting Professor @ Chinese Institute of Technology, Ningbo, China (since 2017)
o (Emeritus Professor @ U. Montpellier (since 2009)
Relevant Expertise
- Professor Abadie' research concerns : Polymer Synthesis, Multifunctional Systems, Composites &
NanoComposites, High Performance Polymers, Adhesives, Photosensitive Products (UV/EB coatings),
Photoresists, Photocalorimetry, 3D Structures, Biomaterials and Green Chemistry
o He is/was consultant for IBM, DuPont Electronics, Ethyl Corp. and Dental Medical Diagnostic
Systems in the USA
o He is/was consultant/contract for Rhône-Poulenc, Elf, LETI, Stento, Delta, IBM, SPAD, Celliose,
Gem Plus, Euracli, DGA and Veritas (F); Wacker Chemie GmbH (D); Lamberti spa (I); Ivoclar AGP
(CH) and IBM, GE, UTRC, Ethyl Corp (US)
o He has advised nearly 95 MS and 52 PhD students with whom he has published over 400 papers
(412 peer reviewed publications), 14 books and 12 patents
o He received the 1991 ADER Award for Transferring Technology to the Industry
o He was appointed Expert Witness and Expert to the Commission of the European Communities
and to NATO
o Nominated by the French Government Official Examinator in Chemistry to the Concours at "Ecole
Polytechnique" (1991-1997)
o He created in 1988 STEPI "European Technical Symposium on Polyimides and other High-
Performance Polymers" aka STEPI which held in Montpellier every other three years
o Recently in 2008, with Prof Omari Muckbaniani, he created the International Caucasian
Symposium on Polymers & Advanced Materials ICSP&AM in Tbilisi (Georgia)
Recent Award: 
- Dedicated to the 70th birthday of Professor Marc J.M. Abadie
Contents : October 2009, Volume 21, No. 5
Recent Books
- "High Performance Polymers - Polyimides Based - From Chemistry to Applications" edited by Marc J.M.
Abadie, ISBN 978-953-51-0899-3, InTech, (December 2013)
• “Polyimides and High Perfomance Materials” aka STEPI 9 Book – Marc J.M. Abadie, Edited by
Montpellier U. Press (Sept 2014)
• “High-Perfomance Polymers for Engineering-Based Composites“ - Omari Muckbaniani, Marc J.M.
Abadie & Tamara Tatrishvili, Edited by CRC Press (August 2015)
• “Chemical Engineering of Polymers - Production of Functional and Flexible Materials”- Omari
Muckbaniani, Marc J.M. Abadie & Tamara Tatrishvili, Edited by CRC Press (Forthcoming Aug 2017)
• “Polyimides and High Perfomance Materials” aka STEPI 10 Book – Marc J.M. Abadie, Edited by
Montpellier U. Press (forthcoming Sept 2017)