About IntelCentre

The Centre of Advanced Research in Bionanoconjugates and Biopolymers (IntelCentre – www.intelcentru.ro) is a newly build (2010) infrastructure that has been implemented by a strategic project of 5 M Euro supported by the Romanian Sectorial Operational Program for Increasing the Economic Competitively.
The IntelCentre is a truly interdisciplinary center of excellence with the main focus on the design, preparation and characterization of biologically inspired nanostructures as potential drug carriers and the interaction of such artificial structures with living systems. The priority thematic areas of IntelCentre are focused on materials, products and innovative processes and health. The IntelCentre was finalized in 2012 and since then one of the priorities of the development strategy in PPIMC was to make this center a fully-functional research department of the Institute.
IntelCentre is divided into four research groups consisting of chemists, biologists and physicists, working in 14 research laboratories fully equipped through the project with more than 100 modern pieces of equipment. With the existing interdisciplinary combination of researchers with different scientific backgrounds – chemistry and chemical engineering, biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, materials science, physics, medicine and informatics – IntelCentre represents a unique opportunity to extend the recent structural advances into truly functional materials for a wide range of important applications.
IntelCenter Construction
Before IntelCentre

During construction – outside
During Construction – inside
Ventilation and heating systems…
Laboratory Furniture…
First pieces of equipment…
Finally …
The inauguration of the newly built IntelCentre
IntelCentre in media
“Centru de cercetare SF, construit cu 4 milioane de euro la Iaşi. Oamenii de ştiinţă caută pastila perfectă FOTOGALERIE” by adevarul.ro